Trump Indictment Shows Very Serious National Security Crimes

June 15, 2023 7:34 am | Crime, Donald Trump, Fascists, Post | 0 comments

Donald J. Trump, the Orange Turd King, has been indicted in Florida by a Grand Jury, following the investigation of Jack Smith, the special counsel appointment by AG Merrick Garland. This is Trump’s 2nd batch of indictments. He’s now been charged with more crimes than he has won elections, though you could say that before these new indictments too.

Let’s be clear: Trump is guilty as sin. There is no way he can shrug off these charges, whether he gets a friendly judge in Miami or not. He endangered national security and who even knows where the repercussions will end up reverberating. We are less safe as a nation because of his cavalier and sloppy handling of classified national security documents. He even had some stored in a bathroom, FFS.

I’m going to do the country a public service here and link to the PDF version of the indictments against Trump because it’s very clear that MAGA people either can’t read or are just too lazy to find it.  Read the whole document here. You can even download it. It’s not difficult to read. It’s basic reading, not filled with legalize or hard words.

A top Miami attorney who declined to represent Donald Trump has told Sky News that America’s judicial system is on trial with the former president’s appearance in court.

Speaking to Sky News from his Miami legal practice, Jon Sale said Trump’s court appearance represents an “unprecedented sad” day for America.

Mr Sale has the context of history. He is a former federal prosecutor who played a central role in the Watergate scandal investigation in the 1970s.

He was a special prosecutor for a trial in 1974, which was eventually dropped, against President Nixon for his role in the Watergate scandal.

“Reading the indictment is shocking,” he told Sky News.

“It is an incredible amount of detail. It talks about recklessly storing national security information, talking about it to people who don’t have clearance. And it portrays former President Trump as a great threat to our national defence.”


I watched a PBS news episode last night where Sarah Longwell was running one of her focus groups and a variety of random Republican voters said this new indictment does not mean they will not vote for Trump! They were very unusual people, finding conspiracies in everything surrounding the indictment, and seemingly unable to reason or use logic at all. They were so sure of their loyalty to Trump, no matter what.  They were shockingly ignorant and brainwashed-sounding too. I’m not sure how typical they were as voters, but I assume not very typical. They didn’t sound intelligent either. How many of these kinds of people are in America? It’s frightening to think that America is full of these types of ignorant people who can’t tell facts from fiction and are cult-like in their adoration and loyalty to Donald Trump, a man who tried to overthrow our government.

Orange Turd King

What to make of all this? Apparently, Republicans are not in favor of “law and order” anymore. Were they ever? They now want to defund the DOJ and the FBI and Jack Smith and probably most of the government. Except Republicans still seem to love cops, (especially the kind of cops that randomly kill citizens). So very confusing.

In any case, read the indictment, and it will become clear to you that we do have a two-tiered system of justice in this country. If anyone else had done what Trump did, showing national security secrets to random people at his clubs, they would already be in jail, no bail, no passport, and that would be the end of them for 20 years. Trump is a rich white man. Rich white men in America rarely go to jail. When they do, it’s to set an example for other white collar criminals, and no one is going to do that to Donald Trump. So his crimes have to be particularly egregious in order for him to spend any time in jail. I think this indictment enumerates crimes worthy of that description.

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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