Stop Watching the Despicable CNN

May 14, 2023 3:58 am | Bad Media, Crime, Post | 0 comments

CNN is a mess. Every cravenly greedy attempt they are making to stay relevant is failing. First they changed their format to be more right-wing, then they fired the progressive anchor Brian Stelter, then they fired the progressive Don Lemon, then they became Donald Trump’s biggest cheerleader. That fake townhall was actually just a Trump rally, goaded into existence by the new CEO at CNN (Chris Licht who is in trouble) then shamelessly defended. CNN employees even rallied the crowd to laugh at Trump “jokes” before the townhall, and even described Trump as the “next president”! I don’t expect to hear that shit from a reputable network like CNN used to be. The townhall was a joke, with softball question after softball question asked of Trump by adoring fans. (This is a fantastic take-down of the entire thing – “Toe-curlingly bad television: Trump’s torturous town hall backfires on CNN“)

(Update: Chris Licht was fired in June, 2023 so most of the problems might be over at CNN)

And here is Gretchen Carlson’s opinion on it. (One of horror)

Apparently about Three million people watched it, but there was no retention of audience. CNN was back to not many viewers the very next day, which is where they normally are.

Trump remains popular to some in the media and to a chunk of Americans. I don’t get it. I nearly get sick every time I see his face. His face was/is caked in orangey makeup, and his skin looks slick and bumpy like a reptile.  Nothing he says is true and nothing he says makes any sense. What comes out loud and clear is his hatred for women and his hatred for anyone not white. What’s to like? Even his arrogance is boring. Trump’s a bore, an abusive, mean, ridiculously dumb bore. The townhall was a particularly horrendous performance, even for him; massively misogynistic, racist, ignorant (on the debt and the border and abortion, etc.)

An AI-generated Recreation of Trump’s attack on E Jean Carroll

Trump was unhinged and crazed with the dangling carrot of more power, and doing his utmost to get sued again by E. Jean Carroll, by continuing to insult her. And she had just won her defamation and abuse lawsuit against him the previous day. How does a man like this get support from more than 20 drooling losers? It’s baffling. I felt like I had PTSD after I watched it. It’s probably the worst 90 minutes of television I have ever seen. Even worse was CNN’s cheerleading of this horrendous sexual abuser of women, this madman who wants authoritarian power for the next 10-15 years (he can’t possibly live longer than that since he’s already very old and very unhealthy).

Another An AI-generated Recreation of Trump’s attack on E Jean Carroll

CNN should be boycotted until they apologize for that fiasco of a fake townhall. It was only a Trump rally, and so obviously that not even Fox News would put on that type of a spectacle.

#TrumpAttackswomen #TrumpTownhall #CNNdownfall #CNNTownhall #TrumpRapist #EJeanCarroll

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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