Why Won’t the Media Stop the Wannabe Dictator?

January 17, 2024 1:15 am | Bad Media, disinformation, Donald Trump, Elections, Post | 4 comments

American media is well aware of the character and criminality of Donald Trump. It’s not hard to find declarations from Trump as to how he wants to be a dictator and will remake the US government in his image if he ever regains the White House. Trump is also a rapist, facing 91 criminal charges in 4 major indictments. So why does our media treat Trump like he’s a normal person trying to run a normal campaign? Trump is a major danger to our democracy and to our entire form of government.


We need the media to step up and give us a real portrayal of this madman authoritarian cult leader. They are not giving us that. They have normalized Trump to the point where he’s a fictional character, a person who does not even exist. The real Trump will destroy this country. Our media needs to discuss this very real danger.

#TrumpMadman #TrumpisInsane

Renee GA

Renee GA

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linaya thomas

If Trump gets immunity, that means Biden has it too, and immediately, and should send out Seal Team Six to do their best work on the occupants of Mar-A-Lago. Complete and total immunity to eliminate the biggest threat to this country – Donald Trump.

linaya thomas

If not Seal Team Six, then a precise air strike would do the job. Complete and total immunity.

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