More Proof of Donald Trump’s Dementia and Insanity

January 26, 2024 12:14 am | Donald Trump, Politics, Post | 0 comments

Confused and mentally ill Donald Trump has dementia and can’t think straight anymore.

Compared to President Biden, Trump’s mental agility and inability to think and speak normally is much worse than it used to be 7 or 8 years ago. His rantings and ravings in speeches and rallies and interviews showcase how badly his abilities have declined. Trump is a man in decline, overall.  As one comment said, “I would rather have an old, NICE guy as president than an old, EVIL LUNATIC.”  Trump is a bad person, even an evil person, and he can’t even form basic sentences.

In this video you can clearly hear and see the decline of Donald Trump. This video is from four months ago, and there are many recent examples of how this problem is continuing. These examples are not anomalies. Trump is disqualifying himself on a daily basis with his shrinking brain power. His ability to think logically has never been a hallmark of who he is, but now he is much, much worse.

Here is a video recently posted by President Biden himself on Trump’s more recent problems thinking clearly and being unable to communicate. You can see, these problems continue.

What do these glaring mental issues mean? I’ve visited nursing homes, been around confused old people, like most other people, and had a grandparent who had dementia. So to me, from my experience, this is clear evidence that Trump can no longer think and reason as an adult human being should be able to do. Either Trump has dementia, or he is seriously mentally ill. Both could also be true.


Here are some thoughts on this from a recent column in The Washington Post.

Donald Trump is very confused

For New Hampshire showed us, beyond all doubt, that Donald Trump is very, very confused.

In October, in a speech in Derry, N.H., he informed his audience that Viktor Orban, the strongman who rules Hungary, is “the leader of Turkey.”

In November, in a speech in Claremont, N.H., he advised the crowd that the current leader of the United States is “President Obama.” (He later claimed this mistake, which he made on several other occasions, was actually him being “sarcastic” — get it?)

Then, on Friday night, at a rally in Concord, N.H., Trump confused his Republican primary opponent, Nikki Haley, with former House speaker Nancy Pelosi. He claimed that Haley was “in charge of security” during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, that she refused all of his offers of help, and that she destroyed the evidence.

Read it all here. It’s a good starting list of his recent brain stumbles.

Trump cannot be president again. His first term was a disaster. His second would be 100x worse. He does want to be a dictator and his goal is to further enrich himself and stay out of jail. He must be denied those things. 

Renee GA

Renee GA

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