Trump Wanted Military and National Guard To Help Him Overthrow the Election

December 7, 2021 8:46 am | Insurrection, Law and Order, Post, The Big Lie | 0 comments

Read this recent article from Politico.

Trump was appointing loyalists left and right before, during and after his massive election loss.

Some of these loyalists replaced seasoned experts. Some of these loyalists, like Chris Miller, became important obstructionists for Trump during the Insurrection on January 6th, 2021. Chris Miller got his loyalist position after Trump got rid of Mark Esper, long a thorn in Trump’s obese side. That happened on November 9th. Now what was the purpose of that, if not to be a part of Trump’s plan to overthrow the election results?

When the Department of Defense’s inspector general released their bogus report about the slowness and lack of response on January 6th I knew it was BS. I knew they were lying. I knew they were doing Trump’s work. Turns out they were. The memo that Politico writes about proves it.

The most chilling part of all this is that Trump managed to get people in the Army to lie for him. This has to stop and NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!



linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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