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David Perdue has Been Bullied Into Running for Governor of Georgia

December 7, 2021 3:49 pm | Elections, Politics, Rich Fuckers | 0 comments

David Perdue has been bullied and harassed by former resident Trump into running for Governor of Georgia. Perdue seemed OK with losing his Senate race last year. He just shuffled off and went back to the business of collecting money, as super rich men do. But since then, Trump has been calling, and Perdue looks tired. He looks exhausted. He looks like he just wants Trump to stop calling and leave him alone. So he’s agreed, and now he’s running for Governor against his old friend and fellow Republican, Brian Kemp (current governor and candidate for re-election). What a mess.

This is a photo of Perdue (on the left) debating Jon Ossoff, (our current Georgia Senator and a Democrat). That’s the real debate, but Perdue wasn’t there. Perdue didn’t bother to show up to debate his Senate opponent in the last election cycle which is one reason out of several why he lost – by a lot.

Perdue will lose the governor’s race also – by a lot. His opponent would be Stacey Abrams, if he makes it that far, and I’m close  to certain that she will win the Governor’s race if people get out and vote. It’s all about turnout. No one knows this better than Stacey Abrams herself.

In November 2020 Donald Trump came to Georgia several days before the election and told Republicans not to bother voting because it would be rigged. They listened to him and stayed home, and Georgia turned blue and elected a bunch of Democrats. Even though Trump was to blame in large part, he blamed Brian Kemp. (Very strange logic, but Trump of course never blames himself for anything).

This is exactly what should happen again in 2022. With all the Republican infighting, I don’t doubt that demoralized Republican emotions will be a factor in the Midterm elections. Trump’s insane mixed messaging is “stay home and don’t vote because it’s rigged” and also  “defeat Stacey Abrams”, so in order for both things to happen, there will have to be some “magical rigging” going on on the part of Republicans.

They won’t succeed. Square-headed Insider Trader David Perdue will not prevail. He’ll be sorry for the day he decided to leave his nice cushy rich privileged life and jump back into the political fray. Losing has to hurt, and he’s on his way to losing again, as is Brian Kemp, the dumbest-sounding governor in America. (Notice I didn’t call him dumb, just dumb-sounding.)

Maybe now Brian Kemp will realize that Perdue has been been trying to get him out of the way for years.



linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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