Trump Stinks and We Need to Mock Him More

February 14, 2024 10:50 pm | Donald Trump, Elections, Fascists, Post | 1 comment

People need to write about this more: Trump looks and smells bad. He also sounds bad and can’t put together a coherent sentence, and it’s getting worse than it was before.  The media has been showing us 10-year-old photos of Trump but Donny no longer looks that “good.”  He’s wrinkled and his skin looks like it’s rotting. He’s wearing dark poop-brown makeup now, and looks even more haggard than usual, with red eyes. He looks like a crap-covered demon. And Trump stinks.

Trump’s odor was commented on by former GOP congressman and CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger on X on December 16, leading to dozens of anti-Trump accounts making accusations about Trump’s bad smell. …

The ‘#TrumpStinks’ hashtag emerged and became the top trending topic on X, formerly known as Twitter, in the U.S. on Friday. One account wrote that Trump faces new ‘Reeko’ charges, a reference to the 13 charges the former president faces in Georgia, including violating the state’s anti-racketeering law (RICO).

Initially, former congressman Adam Kinzinger’s accusations tweeting about it, calling out why no one ever talks about how bad Trump smells, and then others joined in.  Apparently Trump’s odor is a really nasty smell. Of course this got the internet in an uproar, and they did what they do best, totally roast Former President Donald Trump on his stink.

I also heard recently on a Bulwark podcast with James Carville and Tim Miller that one of the best ways to get to Trump personally (and to his cult members too) is to mock him.

Mock him incessantly – online and at his rallies and public appearances. Make fun of him. Point out his many, many flaws. It really, really gets under his thin skin. The same is no doubt true of other Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz. Republicans in Congress ake themselves very seriously but do nearly nothing other than impeach and threaten to impeach Democrats they don’t like. They are useless, pathetic people and they are running this country into the ground. We have to get rid of them. Mocking and making fun of them might make them lash out and reveal to the public what and who they really are – empty shells with thin skins, like a hollowed-out M&M. Then the public will stop voting for them.

Here’s a small gallery of “Trump Stinks” related images.

There are many things to mock Trump about. He has a failing memory. He speaks gibberish at his campaign events and in interviews. He makes no sense. He makes claims that are long-debunked and his new lies are blatant and embarrassing for him. Trump has some kind of cognitive decline that is far worse than anything President Biden has exhibited. Now Trump is wearing dark brown caked-on makeup that looks horrible, so we can mock that too. There is a lot of make fun of Trump over. Get to it!

#MakeFunofTrump #MockTrump #TrumpStinks #HowtoIrritateTrump

Renee GA

Renee GA

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