The Ocean Gulf Stream May be Near Collapse

August 6, 2021 9:11 pm | climate change, Environment | 0 comments

The ocean’s Gulf Stream may be nearing collapse due to climate change. If it does collapse, it will be the worst and most consequential effect of climate change so far, one that will impact the entire world and especially Europe, and it’s all bad. There will be no CO2 extra-plant-growth sunshiney talk coming out of this one. It would be nothing short of catastrophic. Here is the actual paper that was published on it by Nature and Climate.


The Guardian front-paged this story yesterday

… and today even CNN covered it. The newspapers and media of the world are finally putting climate change on the front page where it belongs, instead of buried somewhere for only those of us who look for it to find it.

I swore not to make this website one of those with a bunch of links but you should read the linked stories. The CNN story especially explains it well.

If this slow down or shut down actually happens, and it eventually will because humans are destroying the planet’s systems and doing absolutely fucking nothing about climate change, you better make a plan how you’re going to live when the whole fucking thing collapses. Yes the economy will collapse. Yes, governments will collapse. The whole world’s systems are breaking down due to the incalculable greed of rich people, mostly white men, who just can’t stop making money from fossil fuels, and are so stupid they can’t seem to find a way to live without burning everything down.

Literally, burning everything down. The Guardian again.

Do you think the Donald Trumps and the Richard Bransons and the Exxon CEOs of the world really care if the whole damn world collapses? Not if they can make money while it’s happening. They have their escape homes in New Zealand all stocked up.

What’s coming is kind of like what’s in these movies, only real.

Keep your eye on climate change news this year. Politicians seem to know what is happening, and many want to “do something”, but they are coming up against roadblocks, mostly right-wing, Republican, irrational people who can’t think or reason.


linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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