Arizona Has to Stop the Fraud Audit – NOW

August 5, 2021 10:38 pm | disinformation, Elections, Republicans, The Big Lie | 0 comments

Arizona plods on with its fraudulent audit – or FRAUDIT – and democracy dies a little bit every day it continues.

What is this Fraudit really about? It’s about installing Trump as president again, in the 2024 election, not by votes he would receive, but by votes they would count, in a fraudulent and inaccurate way.

If Trump is reinstalled as president, American democracy is done, over with, dead. He’s an autocrat wanna-be and we barely escaped the coup attempt he orchestrated in 2020. We do NOT want a Dictator Trump, but that is what we will get unless there is a federal-level turnover of the voter suppression laws already passed in some states (like Georgia). We also need to prevent these fake, fraudulent “forensic audits” because they are designed to cast more doubt on the election system, furthering Trump’s goals of autocracy.

These new voter suppression laws will change the way votes in each state, including electoral votes, are counted, and treated. When Republicans don’t win elections in the future, their plan is just to throw out the results, fire the election officers, lessen the power of the Secretaries of State, enable Republican state legislators to declare winners, and just declare Republicans won, when they didn’t, and won’t.

The first steps of this are already put in place in Georgia.

Read Jane Mayers’s article on this, because she is one journalist who actually understands what has happened and what the Trump Cult is trying to push in all “red” states.

“The Maricopa County audit exposes exactly what the Big Lie is all about. If they come up with an analysis that discredits the 2020 election results in Arizona, it will be replicated in other states, furthering more chaos. That will enable new legislation. Millions of Americans could be disenfranchised, helping Donald Trump to be elected again in 2024. That’s the bottom line. Maricopa County is the prism through which to view everything.”

The Big Money Behind the Big Lie should be required reading for all Americans and especially all clueless American journalists, who seem to think not getting water or pizza while standing in a voting line is the worst thing that could happen to our election system.

And if you don’t think Trump wants to be (or already is) a Nazi, look at his new Nazi Trump card.

Proposed ‘Trump Card’ design compared to Nazi Third Reich imagery


linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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