Stacey Abrams Should Be the Next Georgia Governor

October 19, 2022 3:20 am | Elections, Georgia Politics, Post | 0 comments

The Midterms and early voting in Georgia have arrived! So have the debates.

Monday night, October 17th, saw Stacey Abrams debating with current (temporary) Gov. Brian Kemp. Kemp has a closet full of mysteries, like how he made 3 million dollars while governor, but I feel he’ll soon be out of office so maybe his lies don’t need to all be solved just now. There is time later for that. Stacey Abrams has such a better and obvious grasp on economics and health care and business and everything else that is good for the state of Georgia that it should be evident to all voters she is the best choice of the two. (Yes, there was an annoying libertarian in the debate too, but he is nothing but a spoiler. He could force the race into a runoff if Abrams does not get more than 50{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a} of the vote).

Abrams is so much better than good ol’ boy Kemp. He seems to love guns and tax cuts and crime and really bad traffic problems. He doesn’t have any solutions for any of those things, and in fact has made them worse during his term. Kemp’s obsession with guns should be criminal. He has flooded the streets of Georgia with guns, and his ridiculous “constitutional carry” laws that makes it so hard to trace guns and criminals. You can only assume that Brian Kemp likes chaos and crime and gun violence.

Brian Kemp also feels that women shouldn’t have the rights to determine their lives as men do in the state of Georgia. He feels that women who become pregnant and don’t want to raise an unwanted child should be punished by the law. He seems to advocate some kind of six-week heartbeat law to allow abortions before six weeks, but we all know what a load of BS that is. There is no heart at that stage of pregnancy and in fact there is no heartbeat. The sound people hear at that stage of pregnancy is the sound of the ultrasound machine itself. There is no heart. So much for a “heartbeat law”. We should start naming these laws what they actually are. Brian Kemp’s abortion denial law should be called an abortion denial law. Or maybe something like, Brian Kemp’s Denial of Constitutional Rights for Women in Georgia law.

Obviously, Stacey Abrams would fix all the crap Kemp has done. She is up to the job so just vote for her. Don’t feel sorry for Kemp too much; he’ll be fine doing insider trading somewhere else.

Watch the debate here.

Just fast-forward through the libertarian’s parts. He’s just a jerk.

FYI, I am aware that the posts here read like they were written in haste by a fifth-grader. It’s because I have zero time to even update this website much less write thoughtful analysis. So if anyone out there has the time and inclination to write about politics, especially politics in Georgia, let me know and I may publish your missives on this lovely website.
No pay. Just glory.

And if anyone has dirty and nasty behavior and rumors about MTG, send those to me as well. Come on, do it.

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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