Herschel Walker Is a Terrible Liar and He Lies About Everything

October 17, 2022 8:33 am | Georgia Politics, Post, Womens Rights | 0 comments

Herschel Walker is a terrible liar. At the Savannah, Georgia Senate debate last Thursday night with Senator Raphael Warnock, he was at it again. Walker held up a fake Officer badge that he claimed was “real” to show that he’s kind of a cop. It’s not clear what he was trying to prove, but it didn’t go over well. Laughs, jeers and shocked voices responded in the debate room as he held up the badge.

Walker revealed that he has three fake badges from 3 separate districts. Now, we know these badges are fake. Walker is not a cop. The question is, when did he get them? He gives the public the impression that he has lived in Georgia forever, but in fact he is currently living in a hotel somewhere in Atlanta because his real home is TEXAS. That’s right, Herschel Walker lives in Texas, not Georgia. He claims a homestead exemption on his taxes there (as does his new wife, who illegally voted in Georgia in 2020 while living in Texas).

Now how do people get away with this? Well, they’re rich, that’s how. The rich and famous just get away with crimes. Even voter fraud. So until very recently, Herschel Walker lived in Texas, so when did he get those fake badges? It had to be before he moved to Texas, so it was apparently some time before 10 years ago. I can’t find out exactly how long ago it was that Walker moved out of Georgia, but it was a long time ago. Yet he was somehow racking up fake cop badges in Georgia.

We know that Walker lies almost as much as Trump. He lied about graduating in the top 1{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a} of his class in college at Georgia State. He didn’t even graduate from college. He lied about being valedictorian of his HS class. There is absolutely zero evidence of that ever happening, and he has removed that claim from his website. But the lies live on, on other websites. He lies about paying for his ex girlfriend’s abortion, when she has receipts. He lied about trying to talk her into having another abortion, and he lied about even knowing her, the mother of one of his children. Last week he said he finally figured it out and had ID’d her. Well good for him, what a genius. There are so many women, so many unclaimed children, and probably so many abortions, he just can’t keep it all straight. (See these and more claims here, debunked.)

Then during the debate Walker changed one of his major positions on abortion. He flip flopped. He said he no longer believes that abortion should have no exceptions. He graciously granted American women a pass to not die during childbirth. He also graciously agreed that women should not have to become mothers to their rapists’ children. We should be so forever grateful for his wisdom, right? Except even after these concessions, made purely for political gain because we know he’s 100{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a} pro-abortion anyway, Walker is still a moron.

It is incomprehensible to me to envision this asshole in the US Senate, a place already full of right-wing assholes. But Walker would be a new kind of ignorant, idiotic, uneducated asshole with a propensity for violence and threats and untreated mental illness. (Yes, he admitted during the debate that his dissociative identity disorder, and very serious anger management problems, remain untreated by doctors, because he “talked to his pastor”. His pastor during the time he refers to is a man who believed in curing homosexuality and in identifying people possessed by demons.)

Amazingly, Walker is still in the race for the US Senate, despite other occasions with comments like this:

Early voting opens up this week in Georgia. Join me and other smart people in Georgia in voting for Raphael Warnock.

**Herschel Walker played football very well in college, but that was the last brilliant thing he did. Even his NFL football playing sucked. Just ask the Minnesota Vikings. He was their worst trade in history.

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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