Herschel Walker Sold Fake COVID Cures and other Snake Oil

April 28, 2022 8:20 pm | disinformation | 0 comments

The claim from Herschel Walker was almost too ridiculous to be true:

“Do you know, right now, I have something that can bring you into a building that would clean you from covid as you walk through this dry mist?” Walker said. “As you walk through the door, it will kill any covid on your body. EPA-, FDA-approved.”

Beyond the obvious lies in this statement, this was dangerous information to put out into the public. He told this to Glen Beck on Beck’s podcast back in 2020.

It’s not the only “snake oil” sold by Herschel Walker.  According to this AJC article, Herschel Walker has been busy trying to cash in on his football fame in various ways. One way was starting dubious businesses with various false health claims. These businesses lost millions and are no longer in existance.

And this guy thinks he’s qualified to be a United States Senator! He can’t even understand basic business concepts. If you are just trying to sell crap to people, your business will fail.

And on the subject of COVID, Walker was particularly stupid. He fell for the swollen testicles claim and didn’t like the government “telling” him to get a vaccination.

While many leading political figures urged Georgians to get inoculated from the coronavirus, Walker amplified a false tweet from performer Nikki Minaj about the vaccine causing swollen testicles and initially refused to tell the AJC whether he had received the shot.

At a meet-and-greet with conservative voters this month, he told the audience he didn’t “get one because I don’t think the government should be telling you to get one.”

My guess would be that little Herschel, as an elementary school student, had all his shots for measles, mumps, polio, chicken pox, and whatever else was required. I’m sure his mom and dad didn’t even protest those vaccines. Because back then, no one did. But now, he doesn’t even like the concept of a vaccine preventing a disease.

Poor Herschel. After he loses the Senate race in Georgia, what will he do with himself? No doubt he’ll think of another way to try to swindle innocent people (and business partners) out of their hard-earned money.

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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