Happy Earth Day or is it Doomsday

April 22, 2022 9:27 pm | climate change, science | 0 comments

It’s Earth Day! Time to celebrate this planet that we live on and abuse relentlessly every day.

Here is the official Earth Day page.

Let’s all pretend throwing your cans and bottles into separate recycling bins will save the planet. Then we can sit back and plan our summer vacation via climate-change-causing jet fuel and feel virtuous on this Earth Day. After all, we recycle, and probably planted a tree a year or two ago. That saves us from climate change, right? Or whatever is wrong … (most people aren’t sure).

Or even more common, let’s just ignore Earth Day altogether!  It’s what most people are doing this year.

What’s wrong is climate change and plastic – too much of both. We now have micro-plastic in our lungs – all of us. If you do anything this Earth Day, vow to stop using plastic however you can.

Then there is climate change, which chugs on relentlessly like a planet-size freight train, getting very close to running us over and flattening everything.

There are the stories this week in the MSM opinion shows (MSNBC, CNN, etc.) about how Copenhagen and Texas towns are planning to construct giant gates that will keep the ocean out. Like the Ike Dike. (Texas would be forced to pay for 35{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a} of the $29 billion it would take to build the Ike Dike, but planning could be too late.)

What a great idea. In other words, don’t do much if anything about the cause of climate change,  (like those massive oil and gas subsidies and tax breaks to giant oil corporations). Keep the oil flowing – just keep the ocean away from our condos and beachgoers. Protect tourism and the economy. Brilliant!

Yes. The sea is rising due to climate change and over-heating, and the reaction of humans is to build giant gates and go on with life as usual and maybe recycle a bit more. Of course, this won’t solve the problem. But the gates show a willingness to spend some money, so that’s something.

Surely someone is doing something about climate change?  Yes, people are doing something, they are making it worse. Example: Big groups of trees where I live are getting cut down, decimated, on a weekly basis, for new residential homes and “development”. That’s the opposite of what we should be doing. This is happening in cities all over the United States. We are destroying our trees and that means destroying a big carbon sink. As the ocean warms up, sea animals are dying. Their food is disappearing. People shrug because they can’t see it happening. Except when dead animals wash up on beaches, emaciated or sick, because their food supply is gone.

Then there is the never-ending Red Tide. The red tide affects Texas, Florida, and Mexico and other gulf areas and it can kill humans and animals and kills fish by the millions. It happens every year and it’s expanding in size and duration. I have experienced it firsthand and it’s horrendous. It’s caused by warming oceans. There are no gates to keep it out. And there are the never-ending wildfires. Also caused by climate change. And more signs our planet is really trying to get rid of us.

I did hear a bit about “carbon capture” today on a “news” show but unfortunately they basically brushed it off as “very expensive” and therefore “controversial” and then the reporter’s face fell into a sad look, so we know it’s not good.  And carbon capture is far more expensive than giant gates.

So just keep “celebrating” Earth Day every year and we can all think something is being done about climate change when in fact almost nothing is being done about it.

In 2022, having a habitable planet to live on is controversial and too expensive, especially since we want to change nothing and basically go on as usual. But maybe it’ll be OK because Elon Musk is building a rocket ship to Mars for all of us. Then we can all live on Mars, where there is no food, no water and no air. Sounds great. (A puzzling solution, actually, but Elon Musk is doing it so it must be some kind of progress for humanity. There is also a large doubt that he believes in climate change at all.)

Fuck all those scientists who know all that science-y stuff about it. Those “climate” scientists just have an agenda.

Happy Earth Day!

Maybe this day should be renamed “Doomsday”

A UN report says stopping climate change is possible but action is needed now

The world already has the tools to cut global greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030

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linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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