Veterans Group Exposes More Fraud From Senate Candidate Herschel Walker

June 20, 2022 5:45 pm | Crime, Georgia Politics | 0 comments

Veterans group spending $1.5 million across Georgia as part of aggressive 2022 strategy

Former Ft. Benning Commanding General says Walker is “a fraud.”


ATLANTA, GA – The largest progressive group of veterans in America, VoteVets PAC, is today launching a massive ad blitz hammering Republican Herschel Walker for profiting off a business that pushed veterans into wrong treatment and scammed the government. The ad, at the cost of $1.5 million, will be running for a week and a half across Georgia, on broadcast, cable, and satellite platforms.

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In the ad, over video of Walker and headlines about his scam group, a voiceover says, “Herschel Walker claimed he started a program to help veterans. The truth?”

Television news clips then intercut with, “It wasn’t a charity at all… Accused of taking advantage of military veterans… Patriot Support, which is not a charity, has been charged by prosecutors with defrauding the Federal government.”

The voiceover continues, “Prosecutors say the group misdiagnosed patients and pushed veterans in mental health facilities just to collect the insurance money. They preyed on veterans. And Herschel Walker made hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Indeed, Walker did rake in over $300,000 for his involvement in Patriot Support, a program run by a corporate hospital chain that was the subject of a civil suit brought by the Department of Justice and nearly two dozen states. It was accused of misdiagnosing veterans and pushing them into unnecessary mental care, and billing the government for it.

Major General (Ret.) Paul D. Eaton, former Commanding General at Ft. Benning said, “We are sick and tired of people claiming to support veterans, all while trying to make a quick buck off them and their sacrifice. Herschel Walker lined his own pocket, while promoting a scam that hurt veterans. We’re not about to allow that to go unnoticed. In 2022, we’re going to hold Herschel Walker and frauds like him accountable. This ad is just our first. We can promise everyone it won’t be our last.”

VoteVets plans to spend tens of millions of dollars to hold Republican grifters and frauds accountable for their disingenuous claims of supporting veterans, in 2022. The group will continue producing and airing its award-winning ads, and will also further employ its revolutionary peer-to-peer texting program, in which military families and veterans contact other military families and veterans to get out the vote. The group also has cultivated a one-of-a-kind voter list, allowing it to communicate with and mobilize veteran voters around the country. Combined, 2022 will be the most aggressive year yet for the group.


linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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