Trump Endorses Puppet McCarthy and Puppet McCarthy Finally Wins Speakership

January 7, 2023 11:34 pm | Crime, Donald Trump, Elections, Republicans, Rich Fuckers | 0 comments

Not at all shocking to see that Donald Trump, the brother of Satan himself, endorsed Kevin McCarthy, and Kevin McCarthy finally won the Speakership in the US House on the 15th vote.

What I could not believe was that “cable news” (which is really just a lot of opinions (like this website)) literally spent the entire week of broadcasting not on the January 6 Report and the revelations in the transcripts, but on the live voting, over and over and over again, for Kevin McCarthy. What a #shitshow the “news” on TV was this week. It was literally worthless to watch any of it. One Congressman, in his nominating speech, said people would probably watch it some day on C-SPAN. He had no idea it was being broadcast live by all the major cable news channels. The major news networks broadcast the voting and everything around it for most of the day and night all week, probably putting C-SPAN out of business. Apparently, all the cable news networks care about is the horserace, the election, and promoting Donald Trump, and talking about Republicans. They don’t criticize Republicans, they just endlessly and gleefully talk about them. The US TV media has morphed into a lot of worthless laughing jackals who just want to see and “report on” chaos.

But below you can see the most disgusting part of this whole fiasco. This image is from Trump’s failure of a social media website, “Truth” Social. Trump himself posted this and other posts like it, but I changed the picture of Trump in order to more accurately reflect who he is. Kevin McCarthy is apparently proud of Trump’s endorsement and assistance in his plot to take over Congress. This is horrifying. And remember this always: Trump tried to overthrow the government. And now he’s got “his Kevin” in Congress to do his dirty work.



This new Speaker of the House is glorifying the guy who caused the Insurrection and the Sedition of January 6, 2021, and bragging about how influential he still is. Trump is literally the guy who tried to throw out a legitimate election and overthrow Congress and the presidency itself; and Kevin McCarthy just can’t get enough of him. Many members of the Republican party are the same, and literally idolize the “man” who tried to overthrow our government.

Merrik Garland needs to indict Trump ASAP.  That’s one of only two ways to keep Trump from becoming the next president again. If Trump is installed as the most powerful person in our government again, he and his acolytes would try to completely destroy the US government and everyone in it who is not filthy rich. Republicans have one very big solid goal: destroy all “entitlements”  aka health care, Social Security, and Medicare and probably food stamps and everything else that helps people. That would literally destroy this country. They also want to end all immigration and install religion as part of our government. And then they want to lower taxes for rich people and corporations even more. All these things are what Kevin is for.

The Republicans are a deeply greedy, racist and misogynistic party who bear little resemblance to the GOP of even 20 years ago. The Republican party itself is so evil and so far off the cliff of normalcy it must be diminished and ultimately destroyed.

#StopTrump #IndictTrump #KevinMcCarthy #SpeakeroftheHouse #Congress #USHouse #TrumpisSatan #McCarthyistheDevil #RepublicansareEvil #TaxtheRich


Renee GA

Renee GA

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