Some People are Just Monsters

June 30, 2021 8:44 am | Entertainment, Horrible People | 1 comment

Some people calling themselves “human beings” are just monsters. Stephanie Zvan of Minnesota, a writer, is one of them, and her writing needs to be removed from the internet. Especially the esteemed websites who have published her trash writing in the past. Zvan is a loathsome internet bully, protecting a sexual offender (or two),  for years and years (and years and years). Why? Is she just insane? Or totally lacking in ethics? Or does she just hate women?

About 10 years ago, give or take, she harassed me online, published lies about me, published private emails, and worse, all because of her pedophile friend at the time, Mike [Michael R. Haubrich of St. Paul, Minnesota] Haubrich, who had written a bunch of ridiculous lies and accusations about me on her blog. Then they both conspired to deliberately stire up pure hatred towards me, just for fun, using their attack dog “friends” in the Minnesota Atheist community, who are all total strangers to me. None of them has ever met me. But Mike Haubrich of St. Paul Minnesota delighted in seeing what terrible things total strangers would say about me, based on the hatred and vitriol Stephanie Zvan wrote about me, because she published libel about me, protecting a sexual abuser in the process. A perfect storm of disgusting people was left to wallow in hate and ignorance on her stupid blog.

Part of the process of her publishing private emails from me to her was to publicly humiliate me for being so crazy as to think she would remove the lies about me on her website. Ironically, she did remove all of it eventually, but in the meantime, she ridiculed me for thinking she would do such a thing. The people who commented that they “knew” me in the comment section clearly had never met me and obviously did not know me, but it was all in service of protecting the sexual abuser (who obscenely claims he’s a feminist), Michael R. Haubrich of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Then Stephanie Zvan decided that I would have a problem with her repeating my name over and over again on her blog. I didn’t have a problem with that, but I did have a problem with her publishing private emails on her low-quality idiotic blog. I wasn’t even remotely upset at what I had written. What I had written exposed Michael Haubrich as the sex offender and pedophile I knew him to be.

Stephanie Zvan left most of those salient facts out of her blog post, however, because what she wanted was attention for herself. Similar to what the cultish  MAGA crowd now calls “owning the libs”.

The interesting part is that Mike R. Haubrich is a sex offender and a pathological liar, and that is who and what she was defending.

Now Mike might be a pervert, he might prefer young girls to actual woman, he might lie like he breathes air, he might fantasize about things and confuse that with reality, and he might join lots of women’s organizations now and then just to hang out with young women, (he’s old now) and he might be an ex-couch surfer who lived like a slob (and threw his dirty used condoms under the bed of the absent host of the place to clean up), and he did damages to this woman’s house, and she had to get legal help to recover the damages, and he might be a pervert and a stalker, and he might still even sexually abuse people, who knows, (he has no conscience or ethics at all) but at least he’s not Stephanie Zvan.

Stephanie Zvan is a liar, a loudmouth, a beligerant obnoxious fool; a flame thrower, and an all-around toxic sexual harasser of women. Yes, she harasses women, and bullies them, at the same time she claims to be an advocate for women. She’s not;  unless advocating means betraying women, ridiculing women, lying about women, bullying women, harassing women, stalking women, and more. She’s a lot like her old buddy Mike Haubrich, of St. Paul, Minnesota, to be honest. They are a lot alike, apparently. I’ve never met her, but I’ve met Mike, and believe me, you don’t want to deal  with these liars and misogynists. And Stephanie Zvan and Michael Haubrich are both misogynists who cover their true selves in a false cloak of  “feminism”.

They also completely lack logic – and ethics. Both have a posse of attack dog friends who will follow their lead (like the Cult of Trump). They both just sit back and smile and let it happen as the hate and loathing washes over them like waves of stink from their own rotten souls. [Oh wait, they don’t have souls, they’re militant atheists and therefore, anti-soul.]

In any case, fuck Stephani Zvan and fuck all pedophiles and sexual abusers everywhere.

Zvan does not deserve to get her articles published, and she does not deserve to be online or on Twitter or any of the places she pollutes with her twisted, anti-woman, misogynist thoughts.

(The same goes for her perverted pedophile sidekick, Mike Haubrich too. Did I mention he raped/sexually abused his sister when she was extremely young? Yeah, he’s into incest. I bet he’s been worried for about 10 years that this would resurface. Well I never got an apology from you for the lies you wrote about me in your fantasy blogging, asshole.)

They are both semi-known writers online, and don’t deserve any of the accolades given to either of them.

#StephanieZvan is the devil, and I don’t even believe in devils.

See the petition below.  It wasn’t just me that noticed her horrible toxicity.
(I wish I had actually sued her fat ass, like I had threatened to at the time, but I ultimately decided she wasn’t worth $10 of my money, much less more for an actual  lawsuit.)

See original petition here
Steve Gibson started this petition to Atheist Voices of Minnesota

We urge the Atheist Voices of Minnesota to remove Stephanie Zvan from her role as a leader and host with the Atheist Voices of Minnesota. We believe Zvan is unfit for this position for the following reasons:

1. She has engaged in bullying and harassment of people on her blog and elsewhere on the internet.

2. She has minimized bullying as a problem within the atheist and skeptic movement, and broader community.

3. She has used her current leadership position and blog as a tool to recruit other people in the harassment of people who disagree with her.

Stephanie Zvan often claims to be a vocal opponent of bullying and harassment. However, she publically supports and defends Greg Laden, a man who was thrown off her blog network (FreeThoughtBlogs) for sending violent threats to another blogger. At the same time, Zvan held a toast to Mr. Laden, and then attended a panel conference with him. For someone who shouts loudly in the community about bullying and harassment, we believe this behaviour is unacceptable.

Further, Zvan is part of a blog network which has a history of bullying and harassing people, especially women. Any woman who dares to disagree with Zvan’s opinions will be labelled “chill girls”, “gender traitors” or “sister punishers” by her or her commentators.

Zvan is a willing enabler of a loud community of fringe atheists and skeptics who resort to slurs, insults and lies about other members of the community who disagree with her.

Another online plan of harassment was launched by Zvan in late September with a petition to remove Justin Vacula from his new position with an secular organisation. The accusations stated by Zvan are a series of slurs based merely on their opinion and not on fact.

For the reasons listed above, we believe that Stephanie Zvan is unfit for her role with Atheist Voices of Minnesota. We urge Atheist Voices of Minnesota to consider her position and remove her as soon as possible.”

Unfortunately, I didn’t see that petition until it had long-ago closed, but I wish I had seen it and publicized it everywhere. Please someone make up another one, and do one for all pedophile men who hang out in Planned-Parenthood-style women’s rights groups just to meet young women to stalk, too.
linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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I know exactly who you mean. I’m so sorry you had to go through that with those people. Your ex is should be prosecuted like that Catholic perv who was charged with sexual abuse from the 1970s, the statute of limitations was irrelevant because he moved.

“The complaint says that the alleged assaults occurred when the boy was 16. Now in his 60s, the man, whose name is redacted in the complaint, told investigators in January he had been assaulted repeatedly by Mr. McCarrick, a family friend, beginning when he was a young boy. ”

Your ex’s victim(s) can still report the abuse and get him charged, at least listed as a sex offender.

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