President Joe Biden’s Great New Campaign Ad

March 9, 2024 11:09 pm | Elections, Joe Biden and Harris, Post | 0 comments

President Joe Biden is campaigning for president and here is his first new campaign ad. It’s a good ad! He needs to run this ad everywhere, every day, all the time.

Joe Biden’s State of the Union address the other night was a home run. In case you missed it, here is a transcript of it. Sure, he made a couple of small verbal gaffes but that was a result of his stuttering that he’s had most of his life. At this point we should be able to just edit those errors out as we are hearing it in real time, but the reason that is not happening is that Biden isn’t speaking in public enough. We need to see a lot more of him and hear a lot more of him talking to the press.

Hopefully now that his campaign is in full swing we will be hearing Biden speak every day and seeing him campaign and do his job in the public eye much more than in the past. The more people see and hear Biden, the more they will get used to his minor speech issues, and just edit those issues out when we hear them, and that will normalize whatever problems he’s having in his speech. This is what MAGA has done with Trump, who has verbal gaffes and brain glitches every single time he speaks anywhere. He stumbles over his words constantly, but his cult members have become so used to Trump’s gaffes that they don’t even hear them anymore.

So, we need to see and hear a lot more from both Biden and VP Kamala Harris.

Meanwhile we are still getting articles written by Trump-supporting reporters about Biden’s age and the false narrative that it bothers people more than anything Trump has done. That’s just ridiculous. I just read another one today in a foreign newspaper that I used to highly respect. The SOTU speech should have put any worries about his age to bed, but the Trumpy journos are still repeating their lies. We need to contact these writers and complain about their BS claims about his age and Biden’s alleged “popularity” problems. The person with a popularity problem is Trump, with his dwindling crowds and the people leaving his speeches early because not even his cult members can take his whiny, grievance-filled complaint stream anymore.

Biden is far more popular than Donald Trump, and everyone should know that by now. The media narrative on how we all supposedly feel about President Biden is false. We do want Joe Biden to be reelected because he’s been a good president and the alternative is unacceptable. Donald Trump is a fascist, and he’s a 91-count criminal. Trump is also an adjudicated rapist and sexual abuser. Trump is best friends with Putin and Orban, dictators and leaders who don’t believe in democracy. Trump himself does not believe in democracy. Trump let a million additional Americans die of COVID than had to die because of his reckless policies, and Trump really does not care about anyone other than himself. He’s also a hardened, life-long criminal.

TMZ published a nice gallery of Biden and Harris photos after his State of the Union address and here are a few of my favorite ones.

#MoreBiden #MoreBiden #BidenHarris2024 #BidenCampaign #StateoftheUnion #Trumpisacriminal #Trumpcrimes #Trumpcrimefamily

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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