Midterms in Georgia a Big Disappointment But We Can Still Fix That

November 18, 2022 1:37 am | Elections, Georgia Politics, Post | 0 comments

So did y’all get out and vote in the Midterms? Where were the Stacey Abrams voters? I have no idea and it really mystifies me why anyone smarter than their shoe size would vote for Brian Kemp. Kemp is moderately good for business and that’s about all. He doesn’t care about health care or poverty or inflation and he’s a liar. But unfortunately, we’re stuck with him for another four years, again.

The Midterms in Georgia were a big disappointment to Democrats, but there is a part of it we can still fix.

In Georgia, not nearly enough Democrats got out and voted, so we are looking at dismal results for Democrats. This has to change! Infamous Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Governor Kemp and many other Republicans ended up winning their races. Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock did not technically win his Senate race against the drooling mess known as Herschel Walker, even though he should have. Due to the arcane, racist runoff election law in Georgia meant to keep black people from winning elections, no one in the GA Senate race got over the required 51{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a}. Warnock reached 49.6{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a}. (Why does the state of Georgia keep this racist law in effect? No one knows). In any case, we are going to a runoff election on December 6th between Warnock and Walker. I am pleading with progressives, liberals, Democrats, Independents, and any smart Republicans left – please get out and vote one more time for Raphael Warnock on or before December 6th.

Yes, the US Senate is already Democrat-majority, but we really need that extra Senate seat that Warnock will provide. Please for the love of god don’t vote for Herschel Walker because you liked how he played football. That was 40 years ago, and during that football career he was hit in the head with the force of a head-on collision at least 165 times. That does not create a situation in which he can serve in the US Senate with any kind of clarity. In fact, we can assume that, as a result of his glorious football career and all the head injuries, Walker’s view of the world is quite fuzzy and indistinct. See the videos above from recent campaign appearances. It’s obvious!

Even without all the head injuries, Herschel Walker is in no way qualified to be a US Senator. He has no idea what laws are, or what being a Senator even means. Walker is ignorant, or as Dave Chappelle recently called him on SNL, “Observably stupid”.

Does that matter all that much? We did have a “president” for four years who was also observably stupid and completely unqualified for the job. Trump had no qualifications to be president and his cult voted for him anyway. We have to stop allowing that kind of candidate in the US election system because when they win, there are real detrimental effects on the country. I don’t know how we can keep lying, dangerous, violent and stupid people from running for office, but it has to stop. Unqualified ignorant liars just should not be able to become a president or a Senator in the United States. Yet it keeps happening.  So . . .

Get out and vote for Senator Raphael Warnock! We need every vote!


linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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