Herschel Walker is a Big Fraud

April 2, 2022 9:17 am | Georgia Politics, Post | 0 comments

For years, Georgia Republican Senate candidate (hand-picked by Trump) Herschel Walker falsely claimed in speeches and other comments that he’d graduated in the top 1{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a} of his University of Georgia class. In fact, he didn’t graduate at all!

From CNN:

Walker, who is a candidate in the Republican primary race for US Senate in Georgia, acknowledged in December that he did not graduate from Georgia after the Atlanta-Journal Constitution first reported that the false claim was listed on his campaign website.

But a CNN KFile review found that Walker himself has been repeating the claim for years. Walker’s comments in 2017, and others made over the years, show the former football star repeatedly misrepresented his academic credentials.

“And all of sudden I started going to the library, getting books, standing in front of a mirror reading to myself,” Walker said in a 2017 motivational speech. “So that Herschel that all the kids said was retarded become valedictorian of his class. Graduated University of Georgia in the top 1{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a} of his class.”

Who reads to themselves in the mirror? How strange.

Even stranger, Walker has lied about his businesses, about the amount of his employees, about his education, and about how he treated his ex-wives. Allegedly, he threatened to kill one of his ex-wives at gunpoint, and also threatened to fight with police who were called to his home on another occasion. He is an ex-football player who has suffered from serious head injuries, and potentially has CTE.

It’s mind-boggling that Walker would be chosen to run for the US Senate, which is a body of lawmakers who presumably know the law. Walker does not know the law. He doesn’t even know the truth.

Read more about Herschel on CNN here.

There is now a movement by many in the state GOP to reject Herschel Walker as a candidate. (I think that actually means he’d be a good GOP candidate from a Democrat’s viewpoint!) “He has too much baggage” they are now whining. But that hasn’t really been a problem for them before. Republicans have elected sexual abusers, criminals, thugs, mobsters and other bad people in the past without blinking an eye. They should reject Herschel Walker, but I don’t believe they will.

Read Too Much Baggage at Politico.

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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