Governor DeSantis is an Insane Idiot

July 17, 2021 3:13 am | Health, Post, Republicans | 0 comments

The Governor of Florida is as insane as Donald Trump. He literally wants the people of Florida to die. And many of them have.

The Vaccine-Hesitant Coach Who Died as DeSantis Hawked ‘Keep Florida Free’ and Anti-Fauci Merch


“DON’T FAUCI MY FLORIDA,” read the message on the $21 T-shirts and beverage coolers priced $12 for a set of two.

The campaign merchandise went on sale with a “NEW TODAY” online announcement on July 12. That was one day before Dunbar High School track coach Guy Thomas succumbed to the virus that Dr. Anthony Fauci [A national hero] and his fellow infectious disease experts have desperately sought to contain.”


Donald Trump’s acolyte Gov. DeSantis is in charge of a state where COVID is spreading out of control, and the governor is telling people not to get vaccinated, the worst advice he could possibly be giving out right now. He is literally killing people with his messaging. He is literally encouraging people to be stupid and act against their best interests and their own family’s health.

The insane argument against getting vaccinated has something to do with “freedom”.  It makes no sense to most of us, who have an education and a functioning brain. Apparently, the Freedom to Die is popular in Florida. Put that on a bumper sticker when you run for president, DeSantis.

Can we just call him DeSatan?

And people are dying. Cases of COVID in Florida are growing. The Delta Variant is rampant. COVID is still sickening and killing children, too.  The idiot in charge of Florida does not seem to think COVID is still a problem, but obviously it is.

Every person who refuses to get vaccinated puts the lives of ALL of us in danger, and I deeply resent that. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, get your vaccinations NOW. Stop endangering the country. This is what dumbass DeSantis doesn’t realize.

The vaccine is free and easy to get. The willfully un-vaccinated in America have no right to kill the rest of us with their idiocy, and no excuses.

“Vaccine hesitancy” just means people being stupid and selfish.




linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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