Good Riddance Afghanistan War

August 17, 2021 1:45 am | Post, Stupid Wars | 0 comments

So now that we are finally leaving Afghanistan, the US media is losing their collective warmongering minds. (They might have to actually talk about climate change now). I fully expect the TV talking heads to start pushing for a war with Iran any day now. War makes them a lot of money and war makes a lot of people money. But their main complaint from this celebratory time seems to be – it happened too fast. Hey – we know it was going to happen anyway, but it just happened so quickly! We didn’t get the chance to milk this situation for all the moolah we could. Why so fast, Biden? It’s all your fault. Now we have to fire a couple of our foreign correspondents and those retired generals. [- CNN]

I deleted CNN’s app from my phone today because they pissed me off with their warmongering talk so much, their oblivious and blind criticism of President Biden* and their idiotic “analysis”. If only we just stayed for another 10 years! If we just did this and did that maybe we could have convinced the lazy ass Afghanistan people to stop complaining and fight for their goddam country.

But no, that was never going to happen. They were never going to fight for their country. A trillion dollars, a military America propped up and trained of 300,000 soldiers, and all the modern equipment they could have asked for, and all they did was run. Unbelievable.

President Biden is a hero today. He did what 3 presidents before him did not have the will to do. Maybe now we can afford universal health care or something like that in the US? Maybe we can pay for climate change mitigation? You know, stuff that would actually make a difference in peoples’ lives. Not never-ending bullshit military occupation and nation building for lazy cowards.

Afghanistan has the government it deserves.

*Sorry that a previous version said “President Trump” (as if he was ever a real president to begin with)

#militaryindustrialcomplex #AfghanistanWar


linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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