Did Jim Jordan Help Plan the Jan. 6 Insurrection?

July 27, 2021 11:35 pm | Elections, Law and Order, Republicans | 0 comments

Silly Congressman/attack dog Jim Jordan may have actually helped plan the January 6 seditious Insurrection. If so, he’s even more of a traitor than we thought. And he’s also proof that the Republican party (GQP) in no way “supports the blue”. The GOP is loudly anti-cop.

Check out this article from The Guardian.

Traitor Jim Jordan

Traitor Jim Jordan stands with dozens of people calling for stopping the vote count in Pennsylvania, in Harrisburg on 5 November.

“Two days after the election, Jordan was a speaker of a “Stop the Steal” rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, before the state capitol. The rally was organized by Scott Presler, a former field director for the Virginia Republican party, speaker at the 2020 Conservative Political Action Conference, and activist for ACT for America, cited by the Anti-Defamation League as an anti-Muslim hate group and labeled an “extremist hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“The private Facebook page used to organize the events was full of extreme anti-Muslim and white nationalist rhetoric and went unpoliced despite the fact that new ACT hire Scott Presler was an administrator for the group,” the SPLC reported.

Presler mobilized support for the 6 January “Stop the Steal” rally. “I will 100{4c54daa6e7d390e0c804f6c94b51bf37f68eac95daa3fa7b95874e6915e44c3a} be in DC on January 6th to support President Trump. Who’s going?” he posted on his Facebook page on 22 December. He tweeted a video showing his presence in the crowd on 6 January before the Capitol.

Who funded the Harrisburg rally? What is Jordan’s relationship to Scott Presler? What are the communications between Jordan, his staff and Presler?”

Trump’s sycophant Jim Jordan is a material witness to the events at the capitol on January 6 and he should pay the price.

There are so many questions we need answered and the involved Republicans are just one place to start. Everyone in the building that day is a witness and the best thing would be if they all turn on each other to expose the truth. The rioters need to not get off easy, and so far they have been treated too mildly. They need to be charged with sedition.

Rep. Jordan and a few others in government who actively helped the Insurrection happen need to be held accountable. They should be subpoenaed as soon as possible and they need to be forced to testify, or thrown in jail if they won’t cooperate.

Now that the January 6th Select Committee has officially begun, Republicans will be doing all they can to divert us from the work of the committee.

Meanwhile, weak puppy Kevin McCarthy is staging ridiculous “events” with pedophile Matt Gaetz that are meaningless, other than to make us look away from the Jan. 6th Hearings. They will backfire, as this one did!




linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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