Bannon Getting Ready for Right-Wing Fascist Takeover

October 3, 2021 12:34 pm | Elections, Republicans, The Big Lie | 0 comments

Former Trump advisor and campaign manager Steve Bannon is planning on “deconstructing” and then remaking the US government. He’s setting up panels of fascist chaos agents who will break up our existing government structure to become what sounds like a totally authoritarian, fascist government.

“If you’re going to take over the administrative state and deconstruct it, then you have to have shock troops prepared to take it over immediately,” Bannon said in a telephone interview with NBC News. “I gave ’em fire and brimstone.”

Who gave him or anyone from the Trump circle permission to break things up and remake them in the way they want? Why does Steve Bannon think he’s in charge of remaking our government at all? He’s a nobody. He’s a podcaster, but he’s a nobody. But the MAGA people probably like the idea because they don’t realize what our government is supposed to be – a representation of the People, made up of us. Of course, long gone are the days when that was actually true, but there are still members of Congress who do represent their constituents, or try to.

But the frightening thing is that Steve Bannon has formed a group of people who could rush into government jobs on Day One of a new Republican presidency and “take over” – reconstituting the way our government works – Constitution be damned.

I don’t believe this is hyperbole. This is information Bannon freely gave out during an NBC News interview. They are going to steal elections so they “win” by cheating, and then this group of evil people will rearrange and deconstruct our own government.

We have to stop them from doing this. Come hell or high water, they must be stopped.

Read the article here.

linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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